It is the policy of the Databac Limited to provide goods and services within an environmentally sound framework.
To ensure that this is achieved consistently and efficiently, we operate an Environmental Management System, which meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001: 2004.
Our environmental policy is to: –
- ensure that our staff act in accordance with this policy and in compliance with our Environmental Management System
- implement procedures to detect and where possible prevent pollution through accidental emissions or effluent discharges
- continually improve our environmental performance
- set and monitor environmental objectives and targets
- reduce waste and the consumption of resources (materials, fuel and energy) and ensure unavoidable waste is recycled, reused or recovered, where possible, or disposed of responsibly
- foster a sense of responsibility for the environment amongst our staff
- monitor and reduce the impact of our activities on the local and general environment
- comply with relevant Legislation and Regulations.